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Gather · Awesome video reactions from fr



檔案大小:23.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Gather · Awesome video reactions from friends(圖1)-速報App

Wanna know what your friends think about the new Star Wars trailer or your new prom dress? Of course you do. Gather, the magical new app from MIT & Google alumni, lets your friends record great-looking video reactions that capture how they actually feel instead of "lol kewl umbrella sheep hotdog."

Oh, we're not done. It gets better. Gather already has the the most reactable stuff of the day in it, like the winner of American Idol or that unbelievable shot by Lebron James. Just record your reaction and share it to get reactions from your friends. And if Gather doesn't have what you want, that's cool - you can get reactions to your own links, photos & videos, GIFs, whatever.

Gather lets you SEE what your friends think about what's happening in your world.

Gather · Awesome video reactions from friends(圖2)-速報App

· Get reactions to anything: that recent fight on the Real Housewives, your own videos & photos, links, youtube videos, animated gifs, etc.

· Make your face all pretty-like with awesome video filters

· Record great-looking reactions quickly and easily so you don't get hit by that car

Gather · Awesome video reactions from friends(圖3)-速報App

· Share individually or with a group

· Gather anything from other apps in seconds (including Instagram!)

KNOWN ISSUES (will be fixed very soon.. sorry!):

Gather · Awesome video reactions from friends(圖4)-速報App

· Some international users are experiencing issues signing up. Keep trying or wait until next release.

· The share extension is currently broken, so copy to the clipboard and paste links in-app until the next release.

Gather · Awesome video reactions from friends(圖5)-速報App
